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Going Mobile with A Painting Fiesta!

A Painting Fiesta Franchise is now accepting mobile franchises for locations and owners that would benefit from such a mobile business setup.

Reasons mobile is for you

A Painting Fiesta Franchise is now accepting mobile franchises for locations and owners that would benefit from such a mobile business setup. A Painting Fiesta has always had a brick & mortar business concept. But as demands grow, with certain needs from owners and locations with hard to locate reasonable retail spots. We are now catering to potential franchisees, who have a high work ethic and discipline to run such a business model. Founders are very aware of how to run a mobile business and all of the challenges it brings. The founders, first started the business as a mobile-type, before selecting a physical location a year later.

“The Cons” in not having a physical location is the difficulty in meeting new clients. Nor conducting business at your own time and days. Conducting art classes for kids and adults will be at outside venues, meaning you’ll need to follow their polices. If venues permit, your paint supplies can be left at schools, recreation centers or stay at home. Storing art supplies at home will be a given and fully stocked, so monthly shipments will be a regular. The most challenging part, time and time again. Is keeping motivation, while working at home. One might get too comfortable at home, losing focus with incoming parties and classes. Cold calling lessens, which means your business will so too. As long as these obstacles are understood and managed. No future franchisee should ever have an issue.

“The Pros”

is freedom to work at your own pace. No boss, only yourself to push and set realistic goals on a weekly basis. No overhead cost such as leasing or owning a venue. Employee wages will be less due to no regular scheduled art classes at the studio. Art instructors will only 3-5 hours per day, unless there is a summer camp at a recreation center. If you are unsure of where to open, this would be a great way to test the waters. Before opening a physical location(s). Many business models gather leads from different cities/ towns. Prospecting which areas would be best for their respective businesses. At A Painting Fiesta we are no different; if you are wary. Go APF Mobile first!

Lastly, always know your limitations and habits. Not everyone can be an exceptional business owner. And being a mobile business owner is no different.

Want to make an inquiry?

Visit for more information and speak with the founders directly

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